Most Beautiful Places on Planet Earth

the world is still very much a mystery to even the most traveled peoples that means that there are many mythical places on our planet for you to visit some of which we'll be showing you today these beautiful locations are so enchanting and magical it's overwhelming to the human eye and hard to explain them in mere words and pictures.

But we're going to do our best anyway here are the 12 places so mythical you won't believe they exist welcome to another episode of forever green and if you want to see a place so beautiful it will seem unreal then stick around for number one because it will blow you away number 12 cliffs of moher ireland you might know them better as the cliffs of insanity from the 1987 film the princess bride but this seaside wonder is actually located on the shores of ireland stretching for five miles along the atlantic coast the 400 foot high cliffs offer one of ireland's most breathtaking views what makes these cliffs even more unique and magical is the local wildlife that
calls them home.

Those with a love of bird watching will be spoiled here
as the area is home to over 3 000 colorful bird species and if you think this place is unreal the number one will just blow you away number eleven salar de la uni bolivia stretching across four thousand fifty miles this beautiful reflective surface is considered one of the most extreme and remarkable landscapes in all of
south america.

Perhaps even on planet earth salar de uyuni is the world's largest salt flat it was created from prehistoric lakes that evaporated millions of years ago this mythical location attracts millions of tourists and visitors from all across the world each year who seek to drive across this most fascinating place..

If you're looking to cross one of the
most stunning places in the world off your travel list
salar de uyuni deserves to be on it number 10 lake retba senegal
this vivid pink lake known as lake retba lies just an
hour away from senegal's capital and
will catch anyone's eye.

Right away the lake is just barely separated from the atlantic
by a couple of sand dunes which is what gives the lake its high salt content this salt content attracts a type of bacteria called
tuna allela which is what gives the lake its unique coloring the coloring becomes increasingly strong during the dry season between november and june.

Which is the best time to visit if you
want to take pictures of the world's
only glowing pink lake
number nine los lajas sanctuary colombia
if lost laja sanctuary looks magical
it's because miracles inspired it
in 1754 a young girl was cured of her
deafness right here after seeing the
virgin mary's image on the rocks of the
and later a blind man regained his sight
too to honor these series of miracles
the people built this 1949 neo-gothic
and it remains a pilgrimage site to this
day for those of you who want to visit
it's located in the southern colombian
department of nourinho
in the municipality of apolly's and is
magically built right inside the canyon
of the gyotara river
before we move on here's a quick
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number eight rainbow mountains china
the mythical rainbow mountains of china
within the zhonye dakshiyad landform
geological park
are a geological wonder of the world
these chinese mountains are famous for
their other worldly colors
that mimic a rainbow painted over the
tops of rolling mountains
the colorations are caused by various
diagenetic and mineralogical processes
that make up the reds greens yellows and
some will argue that this is one of the
coolest places on earth and the planet
seems to agree
seeing as the area was named an unesco
world heritage site in 2009
number seven moraine lake canada
set in the rugged valley of canada's ten
peaks is moraine lake
a place surrounded by mountains
waterfalls and rock piles
creating a scene so stunning it almost
seems unreal
the lake's waters are the most magical
color a vivid shade of turquoise that
changes in intensity through the summer
as the glaciers melt
its brilliant blue-green color is a
result of light refracting off
fine particles of rock in the glacier
runoff which flows into the lake
because it's at an elevation of 6183
the lake doesn't begin to melt until
june which is when water levels rise and
its magical color peak
and make for some pristine photography
number six guacachina peru
if you didn't think paradise could exist
in the middle of nowhere
then check out this peruvian desert
oasis five hours
south of lima huacachina is a tiny
village with green waters
at its center forming the huacachina
ringed by palm trees and thought to have
therapeutic properties
the lagoon shores are dotted with bars
and clubs
dune buggies run across the high rolling
sand dunes surrounding the village
this jaw-dropping place allows tourists
to witness the breathtaking sand dunes
from an entirely different perspective
and for anyone adventurous enough
can try sandboarding down the dunes for
an unforgettable experience
number five northern lake bockhaul
if you thought the huacachina lagoon was
something then lake bockhall
is going to blow you away located in
it is considered the largest lake by
volume in the entire world
and also the deepest it is also the
oldest lake in the world
home to 1800 endemic plant species and
evloc and more incredibly it holds 20
percent of the world's fresh water
it's no wonder unesco named it a world
heritage site back in 1996.
the lake is situated in south central
russia very close to the mongolian
and represents an unspoiled beauty
locals refer to as
the sacred sea and we'd have to agree
with that nickname
number four nikon mine mexico
if you're into trippy places then here's
a hidden gem
you should definitely visit when in
mexico this stunning crystal cave known
as nike mine
is situated in chihuahua mexico and
extends up to 985
feet below surface the crystals are said
to have been formed by underground magma
approximately half a million years ago
because this fascinating cave is so deep
below the ground
it can only be visited under direct
professional supervision
but this once in a lifetime experience
is sure worth getting a guide number
arishiyama bamboo grove japan the
arishiyama bamboo grove is one of
kyoto's top sites
and for good reason standing amid these
soaring stalks of bamboo
is like being in a whole other world
sadly there are no bamboo eating pandas
to be seen in arashiyama
but the walking paths that cut through
the groves make for an otherworldly walk
or bicycle ride they are particularly
attractive when there is a light wind
and the tall bamboo stalks sway gently
back and forth
naturally the bamboo has been used to
manufacture various products
such as baskets cups boxes and mats at
local workshops
for centuries subscriber pick
it's now time for today's subscriber
pick today's photo was sent to us by a
subscriber wondering about this mythical
that looks like it's from paradise if
you come across a mysterious photo
online and want us to look into it just
send it over and we may even feature it
on a future video
now we looked into this photo and are
sorry to say that it's probably
however there is a waterfall that comes
very close to looking like the one in
this fantasy picture
and that's number two victoria falls
now it may not look exactly like the
imaginary waterfall in the picture
but the real life victoria falls
presents a spectacular sight of
awe-inspiring beauty
and grandeur that would have landed them
on today's list either way
located on the zambenzi river these
magical falls formed the border between
zambia and zimbabwe the kololo tribe who
lived in the area in the eighteen
described these falls as mosey ah tonya
which translates to the smoke that
thunders it's no wonder they gave it
such an impactful name
considering victoria falls is known as
the greatest curtain of falling water
in the world columns of spray can be
seen from many miles away
and at the height of the rainy season
over a hundred billion gallons of water
over the edge
every minute over a width of 1.2 miles
into a valley more than 100 meters below
before we reveal number one be sure to
check out other amazing videos on our
and give us a like if you enjoyed this
video so far
tell us in comments which one of these
you like the most
and why number one
grand prismatic spring wyoming
yellowstone national park in wyoming is
in and of itself
one of the most beautiful places on the
planet but
without a doubt its most mythical and
inspiring feature
is the grand prismatic spring the
unbelievable colors on its beach
give the scene an otherworldly
appearance that makes a visit feel
the prismatic itself is 165 feet deep
making it not only the most colorful but
also the largest lake in the entire
united states
it is also the third largest lake in the
world for obvious reasons
the grand prismatic spring is the most
photographed feature of yellowstone
it needs no explanation why this
enchanted spring made it to the top of
our list
it is definitely worth a visit and
that's it for the 12 most mythical
places in the world
which of these places dropped your jaw
the most be sure to let us know in the
comments below
and if you like this video you should
definitely check out our video on 10
most wonderful places in the world...
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Ali Raza

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