Places of Worship - Islam

Islam means submission (to Allah). It is not surprising then to discover that Muslems use prostration or bowing to the ground as an act of devotion and as a symbolic action in their prayers and in their worship. This is key to understanding why Mosques are built as they are – so that there is sufficient open space to complete devotions. Prayer being one of the Five Pillars of Islam also reflects the centrality of communal worship for Muslems and this means that when a Muslem community has established itself, the Mosque will soon follow. Many mosques have been adapted from homes and other community buildings but in many of the main cities in the UK, specially built traditional designed mosques can now be found.Click on the links opposite to find a description of the main features of the Mosque and artifacts that can be found inside it. You will notice that we have included the home as a place of worship as it might be that some of your pupils are Muslems and have the facilities to invite small groups into their home to share or observe worship.
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